sabaki - Karate South Africa
Tai Sabaki

soto uke - Karate South Africa
Uke Waza

Goju Ryu Kata

Goju Ryu Kata
suparinpei kata - Karate South Africa

gekisai - Karate South Africa

Gekisai dai ichi (Attack & Smash I)

Geki means to "attack," and Sai means to "smash;" and as a compound Dai Ichi means "the first" or "number one."

gekisai 2 - Karate South Africa

Gekisai dai ni (Attack & Smash II)

Geki means to "attack," and Sai means to "smash;" and as a compound Dai Ni means "the second" or "number two."

sanchin - Karate South Africa

Sanchin (Three Battles)

San means "three" and chin mean "battle." (mind, body, and spirit) 

tensho - Karate South Africa

Tensho (Rotating Palms)

Ten means "turning" or "shifting," and Sho means "palm." 

saifa - Karate South Africa

Saifa (Smash & Destroy)

Sai means "smash" or "break," and Fa means "tear," or "destroy."

seienchin - Karate South Africa

Seiyunchin (To Control and Pull in Battle)

Sei means "to control," Yun means "to pull," and Chin means "to do battle." 

sanseiru - Karate South Africa

Sanseiru (36 Hands)

San mean three, Sei means "ten," and Ru means "six." 

shisochin - Karate South Africa

Shisochin (Four Direction Battle)

Shi means "four," So means "direction," and Chin means "battle"

seipai - Karate South Africa

Sepai (18 Hands)

Sei means" ten," and Pai means "eight" 

seisan - Karate South Africa

Seisan (13 Hands)

Sei means "ten" and San means "three." 

kururunfa - Karate South Africa

Kururunfa (control for a long time and suddenly defeat)

Ku means "a long time," Ru means "keep in place" or "stop from moving," Run means "suddenly," and Fa means "destroy" or "tear."

superinpai - Karate South Africa

Suparinpei (108 Hands)

Su means "one," Pa means "hundred," Rin means "zero," and Pei means "eight." 

Taikyoku Katas

Taikyoku means "first course". It is also, according to a translator of the Karate-Do Kyohan, " a philosophical term denoting the macrocosm before its differentiation into heaven and earth: hence, chaos or the void".

Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of the Shotokan style, created the original Taikyoku series.

The Goju Ryu versions have been modified to reflect elements within the style, such as the Shiko Dachi and Sanchin stances.

Taikyoku are as follows:

  • * Taikyoku Jodan
  • * Taikyoku Chudan
  • * Taikyoku Gedan
  • * Taikyoku Kake-Uke/ Hiki-Uke
  • * Taikyoku Mawashi Uke

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sepai kata - Karate South Africa
Seipai Kata


naifunchin shodan - Karate South Africa


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